Saturday, September 12, 2009

It hurts my feelings...

...not because the shop owner couldn't spell. Not because they hung it up. But because someone, who obviously works for a reputable sign printing company, let this catastrophe go out the door. I may have to get out my can of red spray paint tonight. Do you think I would get arrested for taking charge of this situation? I, as a self-proclaimed grammar policeman, don't think they would arrest a fellow officer of the law.


Mary Sunshine said...

Have you read the book, "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves?" Take an after picture, if you do decide to enforce any spelling laws.

Katie Clifford said...

I vote for the spray paint... but take gavin with you so he can take shots of you in the act... and then the after pic too!

Devin Jenkins said...

Actually, that's a perfectly bilingual sign, and I think it was on purpose. Thanks for sharing!

Don Jenkins said...

Is that your brother endorsing Spanglish?

The Hoskins said...

Fine, Spanglish hurts my feelings.

kristib said...

Devin beat me in saying it's Spanglish, but I saw way too many "bilingual" signs in New Mexico. They hurt my feelings too.