Friday, March 18, 2011

She's a Pre-Madonna (yeah, I made that up)

I know, it's called a "Prima Donna", I don't live under a rock.  But look at what this girl is wearing for her costume party.  If that ain't Pre-Madonna, I don't know what is.

Arrow of Light, 'cause he's good like that

Gavin moved up to the real, bona fide Boy Scouts last month.  But before he did, he received his Arrow of Light award, pretty much the highest award you can receive in Cub Scouts.  I'm not saying he did it all on his own, but he did it and there were not too many fights or tears shed over it.  We're really proud of him.  Next stop, Eagle Scout.  Wish us luck on that one.

Valentine-y Cuteness

When I see something cute, my first thought is, "I must copy that and make it my own."  So I did.  Cute or what?