I have a dog. I am not a person who treats dogs better than people. I feed her dog food, she doesn't wear clothes, she goes for walks on a leash (not in a stroller). She is a dog. Last week we started with a dog trainer and our dog refused to lay down. She feels that laying on a cold floor is undignified. I actually think it's because it's cold, but either way. Our trainer suggested getting her a sweater so she would be less resistant to laying down on the cold floor. I will not be getting my dog a sweater. She's a dog. If I went to the zoo and saw lions and wolves in sweaters, I would quit the zoo. Today, I took her to her training session and on our way home, she decided that she needed to be in a car seat. I rolled down the window to entice the
dog in her, but she remained steadfast in her placement. She has some identity issues, this dog. But, issues or not, she's still not getting a sweater.
I wish I could knit. I would knit your dog a sweater and then act really offended when she didn't wear ii!
Stay strong Erin! Stay strong!
how can you get mad at her when she is that cute?
Was going to say pretty much what Katie said...
Ditto with Katie ;o)!!!
C'mon Erin...Crafty Crafterton MUST make dog clothes:) JK, I'm with you on the whole animals not wearing clothes thing!
Just sayin' here that IF you got her a sweater then you would be into that "is it in fashion", "is it in season", "what are all of the other fashinoable dogs wearing" and think about keeping it clean. No I think you have made the right choice. How about a little rug with cute doggie pictures on it so she can have sweet dreams?
I am so with you!
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