Sunday, October 4, 2009

the chocolate chip game

I often employ tactics that involve sugar to get my children to do what I would like. Today we played the chocolate chip game. I made it up this morning. During General Conference, a semi-annual 2 day conference where leaders from our church share messages with us, I like my kids to listen to at least one of the four sessions. This morning, I printed out some bingo-type game cards and modified the game to suit my needs. I told the kids that every time they heard someone mention the word in the square, they should put a check mark by the picture. After the first session was over, we counted up our check marks. Just before the second session started, I popped popcorn and gave them each enough chocolate chips to match their score. They threw them in with the popcorn, sat down and ate the special treat, while I sneakily got them to sit through most of the second session too. It was a great day and the talks I heard were so amazing, I felt as though they wrote them just for me. Now I know better so I must do better.
Gavin's Score: 107
Carson's Score: 59
Cambria's Score: 22

I guess I know who can pay attention most easily.


Annalia said...

So, what was your score? ...or do you just get the chocolate chips for free?

Anonymous said...

Good thinking.

Jen said...

That's awesome! I'm filing that one away for the future...

Stacy said...

Great idea. Wow!

Nellie Hoskins said...

You are so AWESOME!!! Definately my favorite daughter-in-law ;o)!!!

The Hoskins said...

I always get free chocolate chips, I'm the one with the pantry key!