Thursday, August 20, 2009

Playgroup awesomeness!

What a perfect day to go to playgroup, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the kids were driving me nuts... Forgive me, as I digress. The plan for playgroup was to meet and play at the Bremerton waterfront park. We had never been there before, but it sounded nice. I had to convince the kids for three days that it was not a water park, but a park near the water. We arrived to find a plethora of fountains and water and children in swimsuits. Dang, egg on my face. My kids looked at me as though I had committed a huge offense and they were not impressed. Having no swimsuits with me provided quite a challenge. Should I stay or do I go? We stayed and begged, borrowed, and stole extra parts and pieces from the good ladies from church. Who, by the way, I really don't know all that well yet. I love my church! The kids had a super great time and are in love with the Harborview Fountain Park. That's the real name.

After water fun-ness, we were made aware of a little safety fair on the boardwalk nearby. We headed over and, though most of it was lame, there was a fire demonstration that the kids will talk about forever. The firemen started a fire, much like a gas stove, and the kids each got to use the extinguisher to put it out. Even Cambo joined in the fun. What a great idea!


Stacy said...

That is cool. I don't know if I've ever touched an extinguisher. It sounded like a fun day.