Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gorilla what?

The kids really wanted dessert after dinner, but I am currently sans eggs. Not that I am opposed to them , I just don't have any. What can you make without eggs for dessert. Well, hmmm, jello? Nope, takes too long. Ice cream? Another item we are without. Cookies...without eggs? I found a recipe, but baking 2 dozen cookies just before the kids go to bed doesn't bode well for my diet. If you say, "self-control, Erin" then you clearly have never met me. Then I remembered the glorious taste of no-bake cookies. I actually had some last week and thought, "These are so good, I haven't had them in forever." So I rustled me up a recipe and got to work. The quick oats were proving to be an elusive ingredient. I have loads from my food storage, but I had kept that in the garage at my last house and our garage here is not unpacked yet. (Clint's domain) I told a very distraught Gavin that I would just look in the garage and see if maybe I could find the right box. His hopes were low, but the first box I looked in held those oats. Gavin and I whipped up the tastiest batch of no-bake cookies in minutes and just had to wait for them to cool. Gavin looked at them on the counter and said, "I've had these before at Cub Scouts. They're called Gorilla Poop." I thanked him for that bit of information, but I think we'll stick with "no-bake."
Oh, and BTW, if you want one, you better come now, because I am making no promises about their overnight survival.


Katie Clifford said...

i love the name... poop... has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? made it that more tastey, right???

Anonymous said...

One of the many things I haven't learned because I have only daughters...