8:30-11:00 - YMCA
11:00-12:00 shoe store and lunch
12:00-12:45 pharmacy for prescriptions
1:00-3:00 swimming with friends
3:00-5:45 showers, clean up rooms, and dinner
5:45-7:00 pumpkin patch with friends
7:00-8:00 In-N-Out for some delicious neopolitan shakes
8:00 BED
10:30-3:00 Aquarium Mystery Shop
3:00-4:00 Piano lessons
4:00-5:00 get home, change for soccer practice and grab snacks
5:00-6:00 soccer practice
6:00-7:00 grab some fast food for dinner and bring it home so Clint can eat before mutual
7:00-7:30 fit in 30 minutes of wii and then BED
Needless to say, we're tired. Tomorrow is the Children's Museum and Cheesecake Factory! Two days down, so many more to go...
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