Thursday, February 25, 2010

hawaii - twenty ten

My friend, Mary, found a great deal on plane tickets to Hawaii last month and invited me to go on a little vacay with her. I am pretty sure she didn't think I actually would, but I did. Generous friends and a willing husband took care of my kids here for the week while Mary (and baby Grace) and I vacationed away. It was much needed and greatly appreciated. Being the multi-tasker that I am, I wanted to spend time with my Hawaii friend too, so we stayed with Ginny and I got to hang with TWO of my friends. It was delightful. So much to post about, but I don't feel like writing it all down, so if you really want to hear the details, go to Mary's blog. Thieving other people's thoughts and ideas? Just another service I provide.
at the PCC lu'au

Mary, Grace and I taking turns frolicking on the beach

Me and, I miss that girl

Thanks for the fun trip, ladies. We must do it again sometime.


The Koszarek's said...

Miss you too friend! Come back again soon, and feel free to bring the family. Connor loved having you for a sleepover, but he did mention he'd love having the kids more. No offense, but go figure:o) XOXOXO