Thursday, February 25, 2010

a field trip to the grocery store

Now that's my idea of a fabulous time. Truth is, I do it a few times a week. Cambria's preschool, however, had not had the pleasure of doing so. They went yesterday and, seeing as how I have no other small children at home, I chaperoned. Not because I really wanted to go to the grocery store and walk around for an hour and buy nothing, but because I really had no excuse.

The field trip was cute. They walked around to different departments and got to try samples and talked about "always foods" and "sometimes foods." I did learn who "always" feeds their kid donuts through his adamant proclamation of them being in a particular category. I had to take pictures as proof of my presence so that when Cambria is older and says, "you never went on a field trip with my class." I can bust out the pics and say, "Heck yeah I did. The best field trip you ever went on." I sincerely hope that is not the case.


Mary Sunshine said...

Very cute pictures! I particularly love the one of Cambria with the grocery hat on.

Katie said...

You know that is your favorite place to hang out! welcome back to the blogging world! I love reading aobut what is going on with you guys... so keep it up!