Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WARNING: Feet picture posted below, if you don't like feet, look away!

Clint and the kids treated me to a pedicure for Mother's Day. By treated, I do not mean that they pulled out the clippers and went to town, but that they said, "Go get a pedicure for yourself." Actually, I believe the direct quote was, "Go get those hooves fixed." Yes, I know, my husband is such a romantic. Anywho, I dragged my friend, Sarah, along with me and we went and got the hooves fixed. I figured I better take a picture since I jump around in gym shoes half the day and I know it won't last long!


Stacy said...

So cute! I love those Reef sandals too, aren't they the best?

Becki Madsen said...

Super cute toes, aren't pedicures dreamy?

Katie said...

you seroulsy have the cutest feet i've ever seen!

The Koszarek's said...

cute flowers! make sure you have some for hawaii too :o) or we can save that for when you get here for an 'excuse' to fix the hooves. lol