Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All about the Mama

The kids had an activity at church where they got to spend time with their moms. We played games, decorated cookies and planted flowers. My kids and I got to participate in the 3-legged race (or 4-legged-with-a-hunch-back race, as the case may be). The 11-year old in charge insisted that I had to have all my children tied to me. A bit ridiculous, but we managed to take second place behind a mom with only one child. I'll take that victory, thank you very much!

The kids ran a relay where they had to dress up like a mom, complete with bathrobe, shoes, purse, bag of groceries, and a stroller and run to the end and back. Cambria was slow and steady, tripping most of the way down the room. Gavin, on the other hand, threw everything in on top of the baby in the stroller and made a mad dash. Perhaps fatherhood is a journey best suited for an older fellow.


Katie said...

i love the races! that is too cool... and i can totally picture both Gav and Cam doing the mommy race! awesome

The Koszarek's said...

What great pics! Sounded like a fun day!