Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt Bust

I took the kids out to a city Easter Egg Hunt this morning. We were there for the countdown and then each age group got to go in and get as many eggs as they could. Here's what we ended up with. Gavin: 6, Carson: 9, Cambria: 0. Yes, she got none. I was a little bit annoyed and her feelings were a little bit hurt. She didn't cry, but I could tell that she was really sad. I was mad because there were kids there with like 25 eggs in their baskets and the moms were saying, "Good job," when they could clearly see that there were lots of kids with none. Come on people, set a good example for your kids and make them share. I would've. Gavin saw that she had none and dumped all his into her basket. At least he has good manners.


Becki Madsen said...

I love all of your latest posts! And poor Cambria, she is such a cute girl, I am sure the Easter Bunny will make up for it. By the way, my little Savannah sounds like Cambria in needing locks on EVERYTHING! Gotta love that age!

Susanne said...

That is so sad! And exactly why I don't go to the big egg hunts done by the city. I've never been, but I've heard stories... How nice of Gavin to share with her, though!

Katie said...

i'm with you on the thought that parent's that do that are lame... poor Cambria... I guess all we can do is learn from it and make sure that we aren't that stupid in teaching, or not teaching our kids...