Monday, January 31, 2011

cookie pizza and other things that make me fail

I used to be a serious gym-aholic.  I went religiously, I even taught classes, I was was pretty happy with the way my clothes fit.  Then, I moved here.  I slacked off and then lost my motivation entirely.  My muscles vanished and my clothes were snuggish.  It was sad.  I was sad.  I enlisted a few friends into a weight loss challenge and we are going to look famous by the time we're done.  I type this here, so if you see me eating  candy, milkshakes, cheeseburgers, gravy, anything like that, you can call me out on it.  It's pressure, but I clearly need the pressure.  Don't make me cookie pizza.  I know that's kind of "my thing," but if you ever feel like you want to make one, don't.  It'll be better for everyone, and by everyone, I mean me.  'Cause that way I'll win the challenge and take my friends' money.  It'll be great.


Sarah said...

I'll call you out on it only if you don't share.. And we will look famous, like Snooki famous.

The Holyoaks said...

I'll take one of those, please.

Stacy said...

MMMMM, that looks amazing!

Anita said...

Erin, you are spoiling us with so many posts!! You better not make us quit cold turkey again. I love reading your blog:) Oh, and I would love to eat that cookie pizza too!!

Susanne said...

What?! Erin slacking off on her workouts??? I don't believe it! I remember when you used to go to the gym twice a day (personally, I thought it was a little insane, but I have to admit that I was jealous of your dedication!). Can't wait to see the before and after pictures. ;)

Unknown said...

Bull. I'd totally beat you if it weren't for Qdoba. Which is your fault, by the way.

That cookie pizza is the greatest thing ever. I almost asked you for the recipe but then thought better of it.

Katie said...

I am so glad you are back!! now i feel like i sorta know what's going on with you guys! love you tons!!

Misty said...

You will not take our money! That looks delicious, btw! mmmm!