Friday, April 23, 2010


Carson will be 7 in a few weeks and has had the good fortune too keep all his baby teeth firmly planted in their original location.  It was causing him a great deal of distress because most of his friends had lost several and he was feeling a little left out.  Finally, with much fanfare and delight, he lost a tooth.  Well, not so much "lost," as had it removed by a pair of pliers, but let's not worry about the details.  Point is, there's a big hole in his mouth and he couldn't be happier.  A few days later, the accompanying tooth came out.  He talks with a lisp and he thinks he's awesome...or maybe awethome...


Aundrea said...

Ty didn't lose his first tooth until he was 7 1/2 and in 2nd grade!! So, Carson can rest assure, he wasn't the only one! :)

Anita said...

Yay Carson!! Kya still hasn't lost any either and she is quite upset about it!

Katie Clifford said...

Hey is such a cute kid! you should get video of him talking with a lisp!! i so can't wait to see them!!