Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In short, I am.

So, I've always been short. I manage just fine, but I'm still shorter than many. It's not really a problem. I just never realized that I couldn't reach the counter without standing on my tiptoes. My arms were full of stuff that I needed to put down. I just couldn't quite make it happen.

Some Things I Can’t Do:

~get things on the top shelf of the grocery store without standing on the shelves
~hand wash the windshield of my car
~retrieve items from the high cabinets without standing on the counter
~slam dunk a basketball
~reach the gas pedal of my car without hugging the steering wheel
~wear 'regular length' jeans without 2-inch heels on
~and apparently, reach the counter with my arms full of stuff


The Bresee Bunch said...

That's just so sad Erin :o( But hilarious at the same time! I'm seroiusly cracking up right now! How tall are you?

Alex said...

i can totally relate. i am only 5 foot. so, yes, i have those same exact problems. so funny... :)

Katie said...

But Erin... you are so cute short!

Stacy said...

But I noticed we can see what's in the refrigerator a lot easier. I had heels on for church on sunday and I couldn't find the juice without squatting. ha ha.