Monday, January 11, 2010

The coolest gift ever!

For Christmas, Clint and his parents pooled their resources and bought me a vinyl cutter. I have wanted one for about 5 years but could never really justify the cost. I certainly spend enough money ordering from everyone else that has one, so I guess it was time. I love it! I am so excited to go crazy with it. I have done lots with it so far, but my camera died, so here are two things I got pictures of.

And hooray for my friend Lexi, who has been an excellent teacher and font-giver. Want some vinyl? I'll totally do it for you!!


Anita said...


Courtney said...

Love it! I want a tour of your cute house so that I can see all of your craftiness. I love the vinyl on the bathroom mirror. I would never think to do that.

Susanne said...

I'll be sending you my order soon. ;-)

Stacy said...

Ok seriously! We're painting the new house this weekend and then it's vinyl time. Are you seriously taking orders because I was just going to use the same lady I always do. I love what you put on the mirror, add that to my order. haha. You're so crafty.

Alex said...

I want to see more pictures...I love the bathroom mirror.