Friday, January 23, 2009

Turbo Kickin' Mama

For the past year and a half, I have been taking Turbo Kickboxing at the gym. I absolutely love it! In order to purchase each round, you have to be a certified instructor. Well, we're going to be moving and I checked out the gym situation in WA. No Turbo Kickboxing. Thus and verily, I am going to certify to teach Turbo. I am so excited and nervous, but mostly excited! This weekend is the big event, so wish me luck and don't ask me to do anything on Monday...I'm pretty sure my body is going to be a bit Jelloish (it's a word, I promise)!


Anonymous said...

You will do GREAT!!!

Katie said...

don't worry - i'm sure you will kick some... um... boxes :)

Chrissey said...

That's awesome! Never done turbo kickboxing, but it sounds fun! I'm into Zumba right now! I taught Pilates for almost a year (un-certified) and almost got certified, but the legit pilates certification is VERY expensive and then I got pregnant! Oh well...maybe one day I'll get back into and get certified! Good luck!

Anita said...

Good luck Erin--I can totally see you doing kickboxing:) I went to a kickboxing class yesterday at the Y and I am SORE!

KimberlyGanir said...

So can I hire you to get me back in shape?

Becki Madsen said...

I wish you could come and kick our Colorado bodies into shape! you will do great!

Stacy said...

You're a rock star. Can you share the video with us once you get it? I bet you're going to kick butt.

The Hoskins said...

I can't share the video or my cert. get revoked, but I CAN teach you. :) Well, provided I passed.

keri and omar said...

I don't get this "share the video" thing. Is it a video that you can learn the kick boxing secrets from - kind of like a secret recipe from Mrs. Fields? Get certified, learn from the secret video, then you can teach parts of it to a class, but never the whole thing or you will be banished to an outer planet. Do tell. In any case, I am most amused and excited you will be possibly teaching a Y class. Who knew Ms. Erin would be our next instructor? Fun! You'll be fabuloso.