Monday, June 9, 2008

My latest crafty endeavor

I have had this idea in my head for about 4 years, and I finally got it done, with a little help from Gav-o. Here is the end result, I think it turned out pretty good.


Susanne said...

That turned out so cute!

Anita said...

I love it--now we just need to join the Navy...

Chrissey said...

Cute idea! I have a lot of ideas in my head too...however, 3 kids really cuts into your "crafty" time doesn't it?
As far as the camera goes...There should be a "SCN" option on the dial on the top. Once there, scroll through the options until the "A" with the medicine dropper next to it. It should say " Color Accent. Then press the "ISO" button (the middle button next to the display screen). Point the camera at the color you want to accent and make sure it is in the small box on the screen. Then press the back arrow (the one you use to go back and forth through pictures) until the color you want shows on the bottom box. You can adjust how much color it picks up with the up/down arrows (to be safe, you might just keep it at 0). Then press the "ISO" button to finish and take the picture! I hope that wasn't confusing or over explaining it! Good luck...I love this camera!

Aundrea said...

It looks GREAT! I wish I had just one creative bone in my body.

Amy said...

Very cute. I like it a lot and might have to steal the idea. I'll e-mail you for instructions in about 4 years when I am up for it :o)