Thursday, February 21, 2008

When you are the mother to boys... get gross things! Currently we have 2 frogs (Clint caught another one), a boatload of crickets for the frogs, 1 ant farm with a zillion ants, and a worm. I did, however, send the worm back outside to "play." It's gross and I just can't handle it. I figured we'd get a dog someday, but even that was a bit of a stretch. These little friends are just giving me the heebie-jeebies!


Don Jenkins said...

Toughen up. Watch Fear Factor a few times and those things will seem like nothing at all.


Aundrea said...

GROSS!! you are too nice of a mom. There is no way any of that stuff would make it into my house. Okay, so we did have a really nasty pet spider that made me want to throw up every time I saw it, but after that, it was no more.